Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Bowery Boys back catalog -- fully illustrated!

Above: How people used to listen to podcasts in the 1930s.

 If you've been listening to our latest podcasts and want to take a dip into our history, episodes #3-#50 are available on a second podcast RSS feed: NYC History: Bowery Boys Archive. You can subscribe to that feed at the link or go to podcast aggregators like iTunes and directly subscribe.

Some of those earlier shows feature such topics as the Flatiron Building, Macy's, The Astor family, Apollo Theatre, the Chrysler Building, the New York Yankees, Studio 54, Union Square, the Brooklyn Bridge, Katz Delicatessen and a great many more.

In addition, I'm also adding to the feed some of the newer episodes (#51-#65 so far), with illustrations of the people and places being discussed. These images will pop up on your listening devices. Most of the shows in this archive feed are illustrated, although some of the earliest ones are not.

Meanwhile, we will have a new full-length podcast available for download by Friday.

Pictured above: A 1930s Harlem scene in front of a local shop, courtesy Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
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