Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Networked New York: This Friday at NYU!

What are the challenges of presenting the history of New York in a digital landscape? How does technology make New York history richer?

The Project on New York Writing, the Colloquium in American Literature and Culture, and the Workshop in Archival Practice at New York University is presenting an all-day conference this Friday, March 9, 'Networked New York', examining the relationships among "physical New York (the city’s buildings, streetscapes), digitized New York (its blogs, websites, tweets), or institutional New York (its archives, museums)".

I'll be representing the Bowery Boys in an afternoon panel discussion "Blogscapes and Digital Interaction," joining fellow bloggers Maud Newton, Rachel Fershleiser, and Teri Tynes of the Walking Off The Big Apple blog.  The panel will be moderated by NYU English professor Bryan Waterman, who also produces the blog Patell and Waterman's History of New York.

This discussion is begins at 4 p.m. in the Great Room at 19 University Place, right off of Washington Square Park. The conference begins at 10 a.m. All panel events are free and open to the public! There are many history-related speakers, and I think you'd all enjoy many parts of the program, so check out the schedule of events here. And read some in-depth descriptions of events at Bryan's blog.

And there's a new podcast ready for download this Friday. It's a big one!

Picture above "See Something or Say Something: New York" Caption reads: "Red dots are locations of Flickr pictures. Blue dots are locations of Twitter tweets. White dots are locations that have been posted to both."  Image courtesy Eric Fischer, who pretty much has the coolest Flickr stream ever.
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